
Create Custom Homepage on WordPress with elementor

How to Create Custom Homepage on WordPress with elementor

How to Create Custom Homepage on WordPress with elementor

Create Custom Homepage on WordPress with elementor: WordPress is still one of the most popular platforms for building beautiful websites, even though web development is always changing. Today, we’re going to talk about how to make a custom header on WordPress with Elementor. This is a creative and useful way to make your website stand out in the digital world.

How to Start Using Elementor

Installing Elementor

It is necessary to have Elementor loaded on your WordPress site before you start working on customizations. To add a new plugin, go to your WordPress homepage and click on “Plugins.” Find Elementor, install it, and then turn on the app.

Create Custom Homepage on WordPress with elementor
Create Custom Homepage on WordPress with elementor

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Custom Homepage

  • A. Setting up a new page in WordPress
  • B. Accessing Elementor and selecting a blank template
  • C. Adding sections and columns for a structured layout
  • D. Exploring Elementor’s widget library for content elements
  • E. Customizing each section with text, images, and other elements
  • F. Utilizing advanced styling options for enhanced design
  • G. Incorporating dynamic features like sliders and interactive elements
  • H. Ensuring mobile responsiveness for a seamless user experience

Installation and Setup

Compatibility with WordPress B. Step-by-Step Installation Process C. Configuration and Customization

 Elementor Pro vs. Free Version

Feature Comparison B. Advantages of Upgrading to Pro

Choosing a Suitable Theme

It is very important that Elementor and a well-designed WordPress theme work well together. Choose a style that fits with your business and the goals of your website. A flexible theme that is light makes sure that speed is at its best.

Making an Interesting Custom Home Page

Making a New Page
Make a new page on your WordPress homepage to start the process. Give it a good name, like “Home” or “Homepage,” and save the copy.

Starting up Elementor Editor

The easy-to-use Elementor interface can be opened by clicking the “Edit with Elementor” button. Here is where the magic happens. You can now access a wide range of design features and editing choices.

Putting together Sections with Elementor

Your site should have a logo, a star area, some promoted content, and a bottom. You can add tools and create each area exactly how you want it with Elementor’s drag-and-drop feature.

How to Use the Full Power of Elementor Widgets Header Widget

Change the header of your website to make a good first impression. Elementor has flexible top widgets that let you add brands, navigating buttons, and contact information without any problems.

Widget for Hero Section

Get people to pay attention by writing an interesting hero part. Using Elementor’s hero widgets, you can add eye-catching images, catchy headlines, and a button that leads people to important parts of your site.

Widget for Featured Content

The featured content button in Elementor lets you draw attention to your most important content. Show off your newest blog posts, goods, or services in a way that makes people want to learn more.

Advanced Methods of Customization

Using Your Own CSS

Custom CSS is for people who want to make changes that aren’t already there. Custom code can be added to Elementor, which lets you finetune the look of your site with great accuracy.

Adding content that changes over time

Add changeable content features to your site to make it more interesting. To keep people interested, show off dynamic post lists, individual user welcomes, or real-time updates.

Making changes to improve speed and responsiveness
Improvements to images

Optimizing pictures will help your page load faster. You can make sure your guests have a smooth reading experience by compressing pictures without losing quality.

Testing for Responsiveness

Because people view websites on a wide range of devices, it’s important to make sure that your unique header is adaptable. Use the response tools that come with Elementor and test your site thoroughly on a number of different devices.

In conclusion

Making a unique site on WordPress with Elementor is an art that combines imagination with technical skill. Using Elementor’s powerful features will not only make your website look better, but it will also make it work better.

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Artificial intelligence and machine Learning

Artificial intelligence and machine Learning

Artificial intelligence and machine Learning: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a rapidly growing field that has the potential to transform our lives in numerous ways. It involves the creation of intelligent machines that can think and act like human beings. AI aims to develop algorithms and systems that can perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as speech recognition, image classification, decision-making, and natural language processing.

One of the most exciting aspects of AI is its ability to learn from data and improve over time. This is achieved through the use of machine learning algorithms, which allow systems to improve from experience without being explicitly programmed automatically. This makes it possible for AI to solve complex problems that would otherwise be too difficult for humans to handle.

artificial intelligence machine learning

One of the key applications of AI is in the field of healthcare. AI systems can be used to analyze vast amounts of medical data, such as patient records and medical images, to help doctors make more informed decisions. For example, AI algorithms can be trained to detect early signs of diseases such as cancer, making it possible to treat patients before the disease has advanced. AI is also being used in drug discovery, where it can help researchers identify new treatments for diseases more quickly and efficiently.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)

    • Deep Learning and Neural Networks
    • Natural Language Processing (NLP)
    • Image Recognition and Computer Vision
    • Reinforcement Learning
    • Predictive Analytics and Time Series Forecasting
    • Transfer Learning

Deep Learning and Neural Networks

Deep Learning and Neural Networks: Deep Learning is a subset of Machine Learning that involves training artificial neural networks on large amounts of data. Neural networks are inspired by the structure and function of the human brain and are designed to learn patterns and make predictions. Deep Learning algorithms have been used to achieve breakthrough results in areas such as image recognition, natural language processing, and speech recognition.

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Natural Language Processing (NLP): NLP is a field of Artificial Intelligence that focuses on the interaction between computers and human language. NLP techniques are used to process, understand, and generate human language, and they are used in applications such as machine translation, text classification, sentiment analysis, and named entity recognition.

Natural Language Processing

Image Recognition and Computer Vision

Image Recognition and Computer Vision: Image Recognition is the task of recognizing objects, people, scenes, and events in digital images. Computer Vision is a field of study that focuses on teaching machines to interpret and understand the visual world. Deep Learning algorithms have been particularly successful in Image Recognition and Computer Vision tasks, and they have been used in applications such as self-driving cars, medical imaging analysis, and security and surveillance systems.

Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement Learning: Reinforcement Learning is a type of Machine Learning that focuses on training agents (such as robots or software programs) to make decisions in an environment by learning from the consequences of their actions. In Reinforcement Learning, an agent interacts with its environment and receives feedback in the form of rewards or penalties, which it uses to adjust its decision-making policy over time. This allows the agent to learn how to maximize its reward over time.

Predictive Analytics and Time Series Forecasting

Predictive Analytics and Time Series Forecasting: Predictive Analytics is the use of statistical and Machine Learning techniques to analyze historical data and make predictions about future events. Time Series Forecasting is a type of Predictive Analytics that focuses on predicting future values based on a series of past values. Time series forecasting is used in applications such as sales forecasting, weather forecasting, and stock market analysis.

Transfer Learning

Transfer Learning: Transfer Learning is a technique in Machine Learning where a model that has been trained on one task is used as a starting point for another related task. This allows the model to leverage its knowledge from the previous task, reducing the amount of data and computational resources required to train the model on the new task. Transfer Learning is useful in a variety of applications, including computer vision and natural language processing, where large amounts of labeled data may be scarce or expensive to obtain.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning:

Here are some examples of Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications and technologies

  • Virtual Personal Assistants: Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant, etc.
  • Speech Recognition: converting spoken words into text, used in call centres, dictation software, etc.
  • Image Recognition: identifying objects, people, and actions in images and videos, used in security systems, self-driving cars, etc.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): allowing computers to understand, interpret, and generate human language, used in language translation, sentiment analysis, etc.
  • Robotics: using AI algorithms to control robot behaviour in manufacturing, healthcare, and military applications.
  • Machine Learning: a type of AI that allows systems to automatically improve from experience without being explicitly programmed, used in a wide range of applications including predictive modelling, recommendation systems, and fraud detection.
  • Deep Learning: a subfield of machine learning that uses deep neural networks to model complex patterns in data, used in image and speech recognition, natural language processing, and other applications.
  • Decision Making Systems: AI systems that can make decisions on their own, based on a set of rules or algorithms, used in fields such as finance, healthcare, and retail.

Artificial inteligence machine learning

artificial intelligence machine learning : Another important application of AI is in the field of robotics. Robots that are equipped with AI algorithms can perform tasks that are too dangerous or difficult for humans, such as exploring disaster zones or performing complex surgeries. In addition, AI robots can also be used in manufacturing to help automate production processes, reducing the need for human labour.

One of the challenges of AI is ensuring that it operates in an ethical and transparent manner. There is a concern that AI systems could be used to make decisions that significantly impact people’s lives, such as in the case of self-driving cars. It is important to develop AI systems that are transparent and accountable so that people can understand how they make decisions and have confidence in their operation.

In conclusion, AI has the potential to transform our lives in numerous ways and has already begun to make a significant impact in many industries. However, it is important to approach the development of AI with caution, ensuring that it operates in an ethical and transparent manner, so that we can reap its benefits while minimizing its potential risks. artificial intelligence machine learning

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What is ChatGPT, and its possible use cases?

Check the news again if you thought 2022 will be remembered for Messi’s thunderous performance, FIFA frenzy, or Elon Musk’s existence Twitter poll. Sunder Pichai is directing major AI warnings and improvements, Google is in “code red,” the international media is enthused about the potential of AI, and students, academics, and content producers are beaming because they’ve made a buddy in the ChatGPT! No matter how perplexed or amazed you are, our post answers a lot of them.

We’re glad you’re here to learn more about ChatGPT, a natural language processing (NLP) technology that will make your quick application development a breeze.

We should start with defining NLP because we know you’re eager to learn what it entails. NLP is a subfield of artificial intelligence that focuses on the use of natural language in communication between people and machines. In other words, it enables machines to comprehend, decipher, and produce human language. Text analysis, chatbots, and language translation are just a few of the useful applications of this technology.

What is ChatGPT?

The Natural Language Processing (NLP) that is included into the ChatGPT chatbot building platform enables developers to design chatbots that can interpret and react to user input in a natural and conversational manner. In November of 2022, it was made available for free as a research preview/prototype version. It is driven by a machine learning model known as GPT-3, which was created by OpenAI and is widely regarded as one of the most cutting-edge NLP models available at this time. For those who are confused about what all of these abbreviations and acronyms stand for and why they are being used, the following explanation should clear things up.

What is Chat GPT

The term “Generative Pre-training Transformer” (GPT) refers to a linguistic model that is driven by artificial intelligence. The term “pre-trained” suggests that it is built on a database of texts or phrases, which enables it to comprehend the patterns and structures of natural language. As a result, the comments take on a conversational tone. It considers the context of the question and adjusts its responses accordingly.

Long data sequences may be processed quickly and effectively using the “transformational” structure. It contains layers that, depending on the input, might prioritise certain words or phrases. After then, the model has a greater understanding of the context as well as the significance of the input. The end effect is that you get replies that are of a higher quality and are more coherent. The ability of the model to grasp complicated patterns is enabled by the use of “feed-forward layers” and “residual connections.” In the grand scheme of things, this results in a better capture of various words and phrases.

What are the features of ChatGPT?

An artificial intelligence model developed by OpenAI is used in the coding of ChatGPT, which uses the GPT-3.5 language technology. It has been trained on a vast quantity of text data derived from a variety of different sources. The fact that GPT can create text that is quite close to that produced by humans is what sets it apart from other similar programmes. You “speak” to it, and it determines the next word in the sequence based on all of the words you have used in the previous iterations of the conversation. It would be quite difficult to differentiate the words that GPT creates from the words that a real person would speak. Because of this, it is useful for translating languages, producing text, creating chatbot answers, and any other process that requires a conversational flow that sounds natural.

The prior models developed by OpenAI, such as InstructGPT, GPT-3, and Codex, serve as the basis for ChatGPT. It is derived from an earlier model of the GPT-3.5 series, which completed its testing and training in the first half of 2022, and further refinements have been made to it.

To be more specific, the following characteristics may be found in ChatGPT: 

  • Conversational communication
  • Dynamic reactions
  • information based on comparisons and rankings of replies
  • Comprehensive replies
  • Asks questions and provides responses to everything.
  • It is derived from over 300 billion words that have been input into the database.
  • Continuous learning even while it provides responses, ultimately being taught to provide answers that are more accurate each time it is called upon.

What is Chat GPT

How does ChatGPT work?

If you let your curiosity get the better of you and decided to check out ChatGPT, there’s a good possibility you already have it open on another tab on your device. While you may be impressed by the fluency of the responses provided by this AI tool, the following is what we know about how it operates:

Reinforcement Learning through Human Feedback, also known as RLHF, was used during the training process for the model.

  • The acquisition of data is carried out somewhat differently compared to the preceding models, using a process that is more supervised and finely calibrated.
  • Conversations are crafted by human AI trainers, who take on the role of both the user and the AI assistant in each exchange.
  • These instructors have access to pre-written ideas that may serve as models for them to follow while drafting answers.
  • The newly created database was integrated with the data from the older version of InstructGPT, and then it was formatted as a conversation.
  • The information is gathered through discussions that AI trainers had with the chatbot. Comparison data is obtained from two or more model replies, rated by quality.
  • This procedure is repeated several times, and with each iteration, the model is tweaked and improved.

How do you use ChatGPT

ChatGPT provides users with a free review and research model to use in their work.

  • Create an account using your Google or Microsoft credentials, or any other email address of your choosing.
  • Make sure you have a phone number that you can use (but not a fake phone number) so that you can register using the code that OpenAI gives you.
  • You will have access to the OpenAI introduction page, which contains information on the platform’s functionality, restrictions, and approach, among other topics.
  • You may create replies to your questions by typing them into the chat box.
  • Using a statement rather than a question as an input will have different outcomes than the alternative, which is using a question.
  • Despite the little data available for events that will occur before 2021, it is possible to regenerate replies in order to get a number of different types of answers.
  • ChatGPT will remember your chat, and much like a person, it will own its errors, even contest certain premises that you could make, and at times it will refuse to respond if it determines that the question is beyond the realm of its expertise (oh yeah! When seen from that perspective, it is superior than both Alexa and Siri.

What are the benefits of ChatGPT?

1. Ability to comprehend and react to various linguistic inputs

ChatGPT is able to comprehend a wide variety of language inputs, even those that are considered to be difficult or unusual! It has been trained on a huge human language dataset, which enables it to comprehend and provide replies to a varied variety of user inputs. Having been trained on this dataset, it is able to: Because of this, it is ideal for the creation of chatbots that can manage a large number of questions or requests from customers.

2. Capability to learn new things and become better with time.

ChatGPT is able to modify and improve its replies to better suit the requirements of its users as it processes an increasing amount of user input. This indicates that the chatbots produced using ChatGPT have the potential to grow more effective and efficient over time, ultimately leading to a more positive experience for the user.

3. Facilitating the creation of applications more quickly

ChatGPT’s user-friendly interface and built-in natural language processing (NLP) model make it possible for developers to rapidly and simply design chatbot apps. This may be particularly helpful for companies that need to swiftly create and deploy chatbot apps in order to fulfil the ever-changing requirements of the market or the wants of their customers.

Work in a human-machine hybrid mode is brought to light by ChatGPT, which is an intriguing element. It is not solely up to humans to push AI to produce positive outcomes. They are also able to direct and rectify any errors that may be made by AI. Both the human and the AI are helping each other become “experts” in their respective fields thanks to the symbiotic interaction between them.

How can ChatGPT be used for application development?

This tool is versatile for developers. ChatGPT can construct effective, inventive, and engaging chatbot solutions in numerous sectors and circumstances. Use scenarios are often as follows:

  • Chatbots: a typical human dialogue with a computer programme
  • Translation: Words from one language into another via the process of translation
  • Summarization: To comprehend the most important features of any subject through summarization.
  • Completion: Completion: the process of effectively finishing off words and paragraphs
  • Creation: The production of brand new content

With ChatGPT operating in its natural and conversational manner, chatbot creation services take on a new direction. In terms of certain sectors of the economy and types of services, the ChatGPT may assist in the following ways:

1. Customer service

By using ChatGPT to build a chatbot that is able to comprehend and answer to customer enquiries and requests in a natural and conversational manner, companies are able to deliver a customer support experience that is both more effective and more convenient for their clients. Both the company and the consumer stand to benefit from this exchange of time and material.

2. eCommerce websites

These might be hilarious, useful, or even something you can relate to. Customers may be assisted in locating items, receiving suggestions, and concluding transactions with the help of chatbots that can be created using ChatGPT. Customers may have a more enjoyable and memorable shopping experience as a result, which may also lead to a rise in overall revenue for the company. A satisfying shopping experience is characterised by at least the appearance of genuine human contact, as well as humour, delight, and accurate emotions in language.

3. Education or training purposes

Students and workers alike may benefit from the individualised learning experience that is brought about by the use of tailored material and examinations. These are determined by the requirements of the user and their development. This may be of particular help in fields like healthcare and finance, where employees are required to maintain a level of continual education.

4. Scheduling and appointment booking

The process of scheduling may be simplified with the use of chatbots, which provide users the ability to instantly schedule appointments or reserve resources without having to navigate a complicated system or wait on line. This may be particularly helpful for companies that depend on scheduling, such as those who offer services or healthcare, such healthcare providers or service providers.

5. Entertainment or leisure

Chatbots might be used to build virtual assistants who give individualised fitness or meditation programmes, provide suggestions for movies or music, or provide other similar services. Because ChatGPT is able to interpret and react to user input in a natural and conversational manner, it is an excellent choice for the applications described above.

6. Travel Industry

Chatbots might be used to help people book flights, hotels, and rental vehicles, as well as providing suggestions for places to visit and things to do. Users may find the process of trip planning to be simplified and made more convenient as a result of this change.

7. Healthcare Industry

Chatbots might be used to give medical information and help, such as answering commonly asked questions or giving symptom checks. This could be done, for example, by answering frequently requested questions. This might make some of the demands placed on healthcare workers easier to manage while also making resources more accessible to patients.

The business use cases are outlined in a condensed manner by McKinsey:

Marketing and sales—includes the creation of individualised material for marketing, social media, and technical sales (containing text, photos, and video); the development of assistants that are tailored to certain industries, such as retail.

  • Operations: Operations include making to-do lists in order to carry out a certain endeavour in an effective manner.
  • IT/engineering : IT and engineering, namely the processes of developing, documenting, and evaluating code
  • Risk and legal: Answering difficult queries, searching through large volumes of legal data, and creating and evaluating yearly reports are all part of the risk and legal department’s responsibilities.
  • R&D: Research and development—speeding up the process of finding new drugs by improving our knowledge of illness and finding new chemical structures

ChatGPT use

Limitations of ChatGPT

Developers that are interested in creating chatbot apps with natural language processing will find ChatGPT to be a very useful tool. Because of its capacity to comprehend and react to complex and diverse linguistic inputs, as well as its ability to learn and improve over time, it is an excellent option for the creation of chatbots that can give consumers with value.

  • Size of the Database: Despite having a large database, ChatGPT is not always successful in capturing the real-time variety of languages, experiences, and cultural backgrounds. As a consequence, replies might sometimes be found to be inappropriate or out of context.
  • Models that have already been pre-trained ChatGPT, as a matter of fact, is dependent on machine learning algorithms that are taught by data. We can’t depend on the replies being accurate since there is a possibility that the training was incomplete or inaccurate. Because of this, we can’t even be sure that the training was biassed. There is also the possibility of systemic biases.
  • Heavy on the Resources: The model gets its power from a wide variety of resources. This may provide a problem for mobile devices and other low-power gadgets.
  • Timeline: ChatGPT does not currently include events that will take place beyond the year 2021. Therefore, you will not find solutions to questions pertaining to anything that occurred after that period.
  • Cost: According to recent reports, the operation of the model presently costs $3 million US dollars per month. In the long term, this can end up being impossible to control. In addition, individuals need to find out where the charges will be put for users after the time for reviewing the model and doing research has concluded.
  • The model is only able to manage a succession of qualities about persons, locations, or events, etc. under certain circumstances due to the complexity of the facts. Considering the pre-trained structure, it has the potential to confound elements and provide solutions at random. In addition, considering that the data came via the internet, the replies can be skewed. Even generative AI may do things wrong sometimes! It is not always possible to have several points of view.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Can ChatGPT dethrone Google?

ChatGPT has been the topic of a number of discussions, however it is important to note that it does have certain drawbacks, including a complicated database, restricted time coverage till 2021, and expensive maintenance. It is unknown if it will dethrone any existing search engine at this point. At best, for the time being, it will make search more useful for the typical user, and it will provide Google with competition, which will provide an incentive for the company to develop and innovate.

Q How is ChatGPT different from other language generators available?

A limited number of audience types have access to other language generators. ChatGPT stands apart from other platforms due to the fact that, for the time being at least, anybody may use it and it simulates natural communication. ChatGPT satisfies people’s need for natural, unforced engagement with other people by attracting approximately one million users in only the first five days after it was released.

Q Is ChatGPT sentient?

There is no possible way for a language generator to ever be “sentient.” The model is “taught” to respond appropriately to questions. In response to certain inquiries, it will provide replies that are predicative in nature. Because it uses language that is as close to that of a person as is feasible — that is, language that is natural and conversational – it is relatable. When it is not being used, however, it does not participate in the cognitive process. It also is not capable of “thinking” on its own. It doesn’t change at all and has no ‘awareness’ at all.

Q. Will ChatGPT replace skilled job workers and programmers?

It isn’t easy to imagine that the ChatGPT model can completely replace jobs. Although AI has applications in the workplace and in many sectors, humans will continue to be necessary for training AI models and verifying the accuracy of data. It is possible that it may be able to do certain tasks, such as research and writing, better than humans, but it will still require people for continued development.

R one J Tech




What is ChatGPT, and its possible use cases? Read More »

who is R one j Tech

Who is R one j ? 

I am R one j. In this article you are gonna know about R one J So First of all i would like to tell you that what is mean of Ronej ? is it copied or Not

What is mean of R one J ? 

I was Finding My brand name. So i can put anywhere  My friends also Call me Raj , I decided i will change my name into Brand Name , I did convert A into one Like A- 1 , B -2.. From Mathematical Reasoning.  and it’s become  Ronej . But before this tried a lots of Name but that was not enough.

Who is R one J ? 

R one j is a professional Website Developer or Digital marketer or Ethical Hacker, also Know as Ronej Tech

R one J Profile 

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Who is R one jWho is R one j


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How to do carding with the phone-Carding With Android Phone

Carding With smart Phone

How to do carding with an android phone: In this article, we are going to learn how to do  carding with the phone after reading this article you will know how to do carding with the phone all android carding applications, How can carding with android Phone

In this article, we are going to learn about how to do carding with the phone. first, we will learn about carding, what is Carding? Nowadays Internet is a great market and hackers are also there who are doing crimes on the Internet.

Hackers are doing fraudulent activities like stealing money, and credit card details, and for this reason, people are working a lot to stop hackers. But carding is a kind of fraudulent activity done by hackers.

Carding is an illegal activity but still, there are many people who are doing carding in an illegal way. Here in this article, we are going to learn how to do carding with the phone.

Amazon Carding Example

It’s time to learn advanced carding, I can’t teach here advanced of carding But i can Teach You if you really want to learn advanced carding, so You need to Buy Our course Which is Carding With smart Phone For More Information send it on WhatsApp. WhatsApp  Number: 9199074447

Advance carding

It’s time to learn advanced carding, I can’t teach here advanced of carding But i can Teach You if you really want to learn advanced carding, so You need to Buy Our course Which is Carding With smart Phone For More Information send it on WhatsApp. WhatsApp  Number: 9199074447


we are going to learn how to do  carding with the phone

Carding With Android Phone This is r one j tech I am going to show you what is carding. works and method of  Carding, this is only education purpose. Carding With Android Phone does not take it seriously. The video writer intends to spread awareness all about carding. The writer is not responsible if any damage occurs. This is for educational purposes only. we are going to learn how to do  carding with the phone


All About Carding

we are going to learn how to do  carding with the phone

Nowadays,  it is being increased day by day and new techniques are being discovered to hack credit card info and use it for malicious purposes. if we see the credit card fraud trend if someone cards for you so do not deal with him or her because, if someone does carding he never works for anyone.  I can be the fraud of carding.

Advance Carding Course

What is carding?

In this carding method with the help of credit card info, the carder can order a physical product it’s not easy, but it has been done. and you can also do that,  what is actually carding is just a part of the fraud of credit card information.

Carding is highly illegal, and should not be attempted under any circumstances. itself is defined as the illegal use of the card (Credit/Debit) by unauthorized people (carder) to buy a product. For educational purposes, I  am going to show how a carder can go about their activities. Remember – carding is highly illegal, and should not be attempted under any circumstances. how to do carding with the android phone

Read also

Method of carding.

Carding with android Phone - Basic to advance

Basic carding: Computer or  Phone – This is an essential part of carding because no one can perform carding without it. The show can assume that you have an Android Phone for this lesion.

VPN: VPN stands for a virtual private network (VPN) that gives you online privacy and anonymity by creating a private network from a public internet connection. VPNs mask your internet protocol (IP) address so your online actions are virtually untraceable. Most important, VPN services establish secure and encrypted connections to provide greater privacy than even a secured Wi-Fi hotspot.

Socks: It is also a private protocol network SOCKS is an Internet protocol that exchanges network packets between a client and server through a proxy server. SOCKS5 optionally provides authentication so only authorized users may access a server. Practically, a SOCKS server proxies TCP connections to an arbitrary IP address, and provides a means for UDP packets to be forwarded.

SOCKS OR VPN: This is very important during carding Without it You cant do carding cant be a Carder, But I recommend You Should use socks because Socks are better than a Vpn. Vpn can block or cards but socks never block cards, if You use a VPN for carding it can cancel Your order too.

Note: If your order has got cancel it can be the reason for the bad VPN, I personally recommend you always use socks during carding

Anti detector:  Before carding, You will have to change the IP of each element after that can be successfully carder Like You have to change the Mac address. So You need to understand the anti detector. There are many apk for changing up each element.

CC: cc stands for credit cards it is very important to understand, You have to buy cc from cc seller in this course you will get apk and you can buy cc so easily and safely. Name of the cc: Valid cc apk

Types of Credit Card:

Carding with android Phone

Every Credit card company starts their credit card number with a unique number to identify individually like shown below how to do carding with an android phone

American Express (AMEX Card) – 3

Visa Card – 4

Master Card – 5

Discover (Disco) – 6

There are different types of credit cards

How to do carding How to do carding How to do carding How to do carding
1 Visa 
2 Mastercard(MC)
3 Discover
4 Novus

When you obtain a credit card, you have to recognize the type: A card starting with 4 is a Visa, with 5 is a Mastercard, with 3 (15 digits long) is an Amex, with a 6 is Discover/JCB.

  • Note: Amex has a 4-digit verification code, and for discover, 000 can be used.

Carding tools

Carding Tools -

Download Carding Application

  • Antifetector –

with the help of this application, you can stay connected to the socks 5 application and you can change all IP of mobile data like mac address, image, and video address.


  • Valid CC –

Valid CC is one of the best applications to buy credit cards at a cheap price You can get a balance of up to 3 lakh. I personally recommend you buy cc from this application.

Download Now

Advance Carding Course

Now you’ll all be wondering how we do this stuff.

Well, most sites accept credit cards as a payment form. These credit cards can be obtained from mIRC or public forums, or you can buy them from any trusted website or application.

There are a few tools that you need.
Credit card/ Debit Card- You can Buy from Valid CC

VPN/Socks 5 – it will change your IP address

CC cleaner – It will change your Mac address

When ordering, sites will ask for a billing address and a shipping address. in the billing section you have to put credit or debit card details and for the shipping address, you have to put your address where you can receive your product.

How to do carding on amazon

Carding process

The first step in the carding process is to find a stolen credit card. You can do this by buying them on the dark web, or on any trusted website or application.

Get Your CC Ready

1. First of all connect your VPN to the Credit Card owner’s country

2. Open Mozilla Firefox/ Chrome

3. Go to Gmail

4. Make a new account with the CC owner’s name

5 Don’t put your number for verification

6. Now visit Amazon. Login to Amazon. in or

7. Make a new account with the CC owner’s name

8. Now add to the cart any product Sign Out

9. Do not disconnect the socks 5

10. Sign in after 15 minutes

11. Proceed to checkout

12. Put the address of the cc owner in the billing address and your address in the shipping address

13. But make sure the delivery of the product is available in India If not then change the product 14. Check the Gift option, if available

15. Place the order.

16. You will get the shipping details in Gmail

17. Wait for the product

18 .Done

Note:  if the product wasn’t delivered

    • Your Socks 5 wasn’t connected for 15 minutes
    • your cc is dead
    • or you didn’t follow the steps


  • Never use your real address/info.
  • Only use Socks 5 proxies
  • Never send anything to your own address!
  • Always research before you buy!
  • Never use your real identity and location when doing carding.

Advance carding

It’s time to learn advanced carding, I can’t teach here advanced of carding But i can Teach You if you really want to learn advanced carding, so You need to Buy Our course Which is Carding With smart Phone For More Information send it on WhatsApp. WhatsApp  Number: 9199074447

Advance Carding Course


How to do carding with the phone-Carding With Android Phone Read More »

What is computer with there parts and types?

What is computer with there parts and types?


Compute = संगणक

Computer = गणना करना

Comput+er = गणना करने वाला

Computer = गणना करने वाला


Q.What is computer?

Ans:- Computer is an electronic machine that data take information as input and after processing it gives us result at very fast speed as output and data store it is called computer.

:-कम्पुटर एक इलेक्ट्रॉनिक मशीन है जाे डाटा काे इनपुट के रुप में सुचना लेने के बाद तेजगति से प्राेसेशिंग करते हुए अउटपुट के रुप में जाे परिणाम देता है अाैर साथ-साथ डाटा काे भी जमा करता है उसे हम कम्पुटर कहते है।

In this essay on computer, we are going to discuss some useful things about computers.

  • Basically four types of computer are there:-


2.Mainframe computer

3.Mini computer


Essay on computer

  • Pasts of computer

1. Cabinate

2. SMPS (switch mode power supply)


4.C.P.U (Micro-processor)

5.C.P.U fan 

6.RAM (Random axis memory)

7.ROM (Read only memory)

8.BIOS (Basic input output system)

9.Hard disk

10.CD (Compack disk) Drive

11.D.V.D (Digital versatile disk)




15.C.R.T(Cathode Ray tube)

16.TFT (Thin film technology)

17.Data cable (electric wire)

18.UPS (Uninterrupted power supply)

19.CVT (Constant voltage transformer)

20.AVS (Autocut  voltage stabilizer)

  • The first mechanical computer created by Charles Babbage in 1822

:- Computer is one of the most wonderful products of modern science. It is an electronic can do complex calculations and work quickly.

They have solved a lot of problems with the man.

Life cannot be imagine without computer.

In modern-day computer is a necessary technology.

Computer plays a big role in our this modern life.

Computer generally work on the binary language.

The modern-day computer has become an very important part of our daily life.

Today’s generally could never ever imagine in their wildest dreams about the world.

So we can say that computer is imagine thing, it ia s vary important part of our life without computer we cannot life in luxury .

What is computer with there parts and types? Read More »

full form of computer || important full form of computer parts

full form of computer || important full form of computer parts

 Full form of computer


  • C:- Calculation (गणना करना)
  • O:- Operating (क्रियाशील)
  • M :- Machine (मशीन)
  • P:-Processing(प्रकिया)
  • U :- Useful (उपयोगी)
  • T :- Trade (व्यापार)
  • E :- Education (शिक्षा)
  • R :- Research (खाेज)



Full form of parts of computer.


  • DCA :- Diploma in Computer Application
  • CCA :- Certificate of Computer Application
  • CPU :- Central processing unit
  • CU :- Control unit
  • MU :- Memory unit
  • IPO :- Input processing output
  • ALU :- Arithmetical logical unit
  • SNPS :- Switch mode power supply
  • RAM :- Random axis memory
  • ROM :- Read only memory
  • BIOS :- Basic input output system
  • CD :- Compact  disk
  • DVD :- Digital versatile disk
  • VDU :- Visual display unit
  • CRT :- Cathode ray tube
  • TFT :- Thin film technology
  • LCD :- Liquid crystal display
  • UPS :- Universal power supply
  • CVT :- Constant voltage transformer
  • AVS :- Autocut voltage stabilizer
  • VGA :- Video graphics array
  • VSB :- Universal series bus.



full form of computer || important full form of computer parts Read More »

What is science ? || What do you think about science?

What is science ?

What is science Science is the process with which we try to study and understand this universe and the knowledge acquired with it. ( ” What is science ” )  This is what people usually think when they hear the name. And people when they interpret science in this way criticize it because they really don’t think about the other half of it!

we know very well science is very important for us . Now days without science we can not live.  science is playing important role in our day to day life but when come to matter. what is science ? what is meaning of science today we will discuss what is meaning of science ? do you know what is Full form of science lets talk more About it.

Full Form of Science 

S – Systematic and
C – Comprehensive
I – Investigation and
E – Exploration of
N -Nature’s
C -Causes and
E -Effect.

What do you think about science ?

It’s my opinion Science is an omnipresent. (” what is science” )  It is found everywhere. It has changed the face  of the world. Science is a most essential part of human life Science is the discipline which aims to explain natural phenomena. Curiosity is the source of science. Mathematics is the language of science. The main aim of science is to understand the workings of the universe. what is science.

  Advantages and Disadvantages of Science 

What is Advantage of science 

:- So many advantages of science like ,Today a blind can see and deaf can hear with the help of science . It has made  the impossible things into possible . its become our life very easy. It give’s many things of comfort & Luxuries like mobiles 📳, computer💻, internet, refrigerator🍎 etc.

Disadvantages of science

:-  Science has ugly face too,if science is misused .it can destroy the whole world.

Science gives many things Due to these invention 🚀 we face many problems such as-

In refrigerator a CFC (chlorofluorocarbon) gas is used which affect the ozone layer and makes hole in the ozone layer.

It is a bane because it makes lazy to all people because of everything they depend on the machine only .

We know very well that science helps us fight against harmful diseases but it also creates harmful diseases like screen cancer etc.

Nuclear Bombs are given by science which can destroy a full city……

  • Conclusion

:- So we can say that it is a boon as well as a bane. It depends upon us. How to use it.

If we used in the right way then it is an advantage for us.

But when we used in a wrong way then it is a disadvantage of us.

If we can say ,science is like a knife, it can be used for cutting of vegetables even for murder.

Facts of Science

  • A person may dreams 15000 times a year on a eve rag.
  • Each teaspoon of soil contains more bacteria than there are people on the planet.
  • Six months in space can make your body seem 20 years older…..
  • Science is misused  it can destroy the whole world.
  • By physically stopping you frowning Botox could reduce symptoms of depression.
  • Energy is able to travel down every route in a plant at once…..What do you think about science?

:- In my opinion Science is an omnipresent. It is found everywhere. It has changed the face  of the world. Science is a most essential part of human life………….

  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Science?


Disadvantages of science

:- Science has ugly face too , if science is misused .it can destroy the whole world.Science gives many things Due to these invention 🚀 we face many problems such as- In refrigerator a CFC (chlorofluorocarbon) gas is used which affect the ozone layer and makes hole in the ozone layer. It is a bane because it makes lazy to all people because of everything they depend on the machine only .

We know very well that science helps us fight against harmful diseases but it also creates harmful diseases like screen cancer etc. Nuclear Bombs are given by science which can destroy a full city……

Conclusion of science

 So we can say that it is a boon as well as a bane. It depends upon us. How to use it. If we used in the right way then it is an advantage for us. But when we used in a wrong way then it is a disadvantage of us. If we can say ,science is like a knife, it can be used for cutting of vegetables even for murder.

Facts of Science:-

  • A person may dreams 15000 times a year on a everag.
  • Each teaspoon of soil contains more bacteria than there are people on the planet.
  • Six months in space can make your body seem 20 years older…..
  • Science is misused  it can destroy the whole world.
  • By physically stopping you frowning Botox could reduce symptoms of depression.
  • Energy is able to travel down every route in a plant at once…..

What is sciences greatest achievement?

2.Language and writing
4.Agriculture and civilization
6.Antibiotics and vaccination
12.Space shuttle

Top 10 Inventions That Changed the World


  • we have some important changed our past life these ore most popular think. 
  • The wheel
  • The nail
  • The compass
  • The printing press
  • The internal combustion engine
  • The telephone
  • The light bulb
  • Penicillin
  • Contraceptive

Read more..

What is science ? || What do you think about science? Read More »

How To Remove Photo Background in Hindi

How To Remove Photo Background in Hindi

Background Remove kaise Kre आज हम इस Article में बहुत ही आसान तरीके से Background remove करना बतायंगे ।  किसी भी Photo का Background Remove  कर सकते हैं ।  इस पूरी पोस्ट के पढ़ने के बाद आप आसानी से किसी भी Photo का Background Remove  कर सकते हैं ।

जब बात आती हैं Photo  Editing की तो  Background remove करना सबसे बड़ी भूमिका निभाती हैं । Background  Remove करना सारे जानते ही होंगे पर Perfectly Erase कैसे करते हैं आज हम इस पोस्ट में जानेगे । 

अगर आपको Background Erase करना नहीं आता तो कोई बात नहीं मैं आपके आपको सारे Basic चीजें को Explain करके बताऊंगा । जिससे आप आसानी से आप किसी भी फोटो का Background Change कर सकते हैं । 

Photo Remove Background App ya Photo Background eraser App

हम Android Phone से ही Background Remove करेंगे । तो सबसे पहले आपको एक application Install करना होगा अपने Phone में ताकि उसके हेल्प से आसानी से Background Remove कर सके। 

Background remove apps Kaise Download kare

Photo Background Remove
Photo Background Remove

Application  Download करने के लिए आपको सबसे पहले Play Store पे जाना होगा । और उसके बाद  Play Store पे सर्च करे । Background remove जब आप सर्च कर लेंगे तब आप निचे देख पा रहे होंगे बहुत सारी Application होगी पर जो 2nd पे होगी , उसे डाउनलोड कर ले । Background Eraser app Download करने के लिए आप Download Button पे भी Click कर सकते हैं। मैं लिंक कर दूंगा ताकि आपको कोई Problem ना हो ।

Background Eraser  डाउनलोड करने के बाद

Background Eraser जब install हो जाये आपके फ़ोन में उसके बाद आप open कर ले । मैं उसके बाद आपको All Tool Explain करता हूँ। जब Background Erser application Open हो जाये उसके बाद आप अपना फोटो Add कर ले जिसे आप Erase करना चाहते हैं ।  Background Eraser में फोटो Add करने के बाद आपके Display का interface कुछ इस तरह होगा ।

Photo BackGround Remove kaise kre
Photo BackGround Remove kaise kre

जिसमे बहुत सारी Option देखने को मिलेगा । मैं आपके सारे Option को अच्छे से Explain करता हूँ । ताकि आपको अपने फोटो को erase करने में बिलकुल भी प्रॉब्लम ना हो । 

Background Eraser Tools 

Photo Ka Background Remove kaise kre
Photo Ka Background Remove kaise kre

  • BgColor
  • Extract
  • Auto
  • Magic
  • Manual
  • Repair
  • Zoom
  • Manual Size


जब भी आप किसी भी फोटो को Edit करे Bgcolor को active कर ले क्योंकि ये आपको बहुत अच्छे से Highlight करेगा जो भी Background आप cut करेंगे इससे बहुत ही आसानी से आपको पता चलेगा । मैं आपके बता रहा हूँ इसे Active कर के ही Background Cut करे । 


वैसे Extract का कुछ ज्यदा Use ना होता इसमें But मैं आपके बता देता हूँ इसमें आपको Add means Keep  और Delete करने का features है । जिससे आप आसानी से किसी भी Targeted पार्ट को Remove और erase कर सकते हैं ।  पर मैं आपके बताता हूँ , इसका use ना करें तो अच्छा रहेगा । चलिए मैं लगे बढ़ता हूँ


Auto बहुत ही अच्छी Tool हैं । इसके Help से आप एक जैसा वाले Background Remove कर सकते हैं  जैसे कि अगर आपको लगता हो की ये Background जो erase करने हैं Same Color का हैं , तो auto पे click करे और drag कर के उस पार्ट के पास लेकर चले जाये जहाँ उस Part को erase करना हो । 


Magic Tool :-  One of my Favorite  Tool हैं , मैजिक टूल से One Layer By Layer  Erase होता हैं । जिससे Photo KA background Remove करना और भी आसान हो जाती हैं । 

मैं अपने फोटो में सबसे ज्यादा इस Tool का ही use करते हैं । 


Manual भी एक अच्छा Tool हो सकता हैं । अगर आप इसे अच्छे से use करना आ जाये तो इससे आप manually Erase करते हैं आपकी hand जिस Point पे रखेगी उसी पे ये ये Cut करेगा । जिससे फोटो को Cut करना और भी आसान हो जाता हैं । कोई भी Editor सबसे पहले इसी का use करता हैं । 


Background Remove करते समय बहुत समय हमसे गलती हो जाती  हैं । 

जो Part हमें Remove नहीं करना रहता हैं । वो भी Remove हो जाता हैं , तो Repair Tool हमे बहुत Help करता हैं फिर से वो ही part Add करने की Allow देता हैं । जिसमे हमारी जो Part का Photo Remove  हो जाता हैं । उसे Add कर देता हैं । 


Zoom option हमें फोटो को Zoom करने का अनुमति देता हैं । जिससे हम किसी भी Photo का Background Remove आसानी से कर सकते हैं ।

Manual Size

Manual Size से हम अपने Pointer को बड़ा या छोटा कर सकते हैं । हम अपने मुताबिक किसी भी फोटो को Edit कर सकते हैं । 

इन्हे भी पढ़े…..

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