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Web Development

How to Add WhatsApp Chat to WordPress Website in Hindi

How to Add WhatsApp Chat to WordPress Website

How to Add WhatsApp Chat to WordPress Website

How to Add WhatsApp Chat to WordPress Website: In this digital age, it’s important to get people to interact with your website more. Adding famous chat apps like WhatsApp is a good way to do this. Adding a WhatsApp chat to your WordPress site not only makes contact easier, but it also gives your users a straight way to get in touch with you. We’ll take you through the whole process step by step in this useful guide.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Install a WhatsApp Chat Plugin:
    • Head to your WordPress dashboard.
    • Navigate to Plugins > Add New.
    • Search for a WhatsApp chat plugin (e.g., WP Chat App).
    • Install and activate the plugin.
  2. Configure the Plugin Settings:
    • Go to Settings > WP  Chat app.
    • Add New account>Enter your WhatsApp number.
    • Customize the chat button appearance.
  3. Position the Chat Button:
    • Decide where you want the chat button to appear (e.g., bottom right).
    • Save your changes.
  4. Test the Integration:
    • Open your website and check if the WhatsApp chat button is visible.
    • Send a test message to ensure proper functionality.

How to Add WhatsApp Chat to WordPress Website >>

Why should you add WhatsApp to your WordPress site?

Let’s talk about why adding WhatsApp chat to your WordPress site can be helpful before we get into the technical side of things. Better communication is the key, so your guests can get in touch with you right away. Also, a lot of people use WhatsApp, which means that your website will always be available to more people.

How to Add WhatsApp Chat to WordPress Website

How to Add WhatsApp Chat to WordPress Website in Hindi

Step 1: Add a chat plugin for WhatsApp

Adding a trustworthy WhatsApp chat app to your WordPress site is the first thing you need to do. Look for a trusted plugin in the WordPress source, or if you want more functions, pay for one. Through your WordPress panel, install and turn on the app.

Step 2: Change the settings for WhatsApp

Once the plugin is turned on, go to the settings page. Type in your WhatsApp number and change how the chat button looks so it fits in with the style of your website. Make sure the app is set up to show up on the parts of your website that you want it to.

Step 3: Make greetings and messages your own.

Set up individual welcome and texts to make the user experience more unique. Write a friendly message that makes people want to connect with you on WhatsApp. Use nice, interesting words to connect with your audience in a good way.

Step 4: Make sure the WhatsApp chat works.

Do a lot of testing with the chat function before you make it live. Send test messages to make sure the connection works well and that you can receive messages without any problems. In this step, you make sure that it will be easy for people to get in touch with you.

Step 5: Make your site mobile-friendly.

Since mobile viewing is so common, it’s important to make sure that the WhatsApp chat function works well on phones. Test the chat window on a number of different devices to make sure that all of your guests have the same, easy-to-use experience.

Step 6: Keep an eye on things and act quickly

Once you’ve added the WhatsApp chat to your WordPress site, you need to make sure you check your texts often. Answers that are given quickly make the user experience better and may even lead to more sales or engagement.

Step 7: Use the business features of WhatsApp

If you have a business, you might want to use the WhatsApp Business tools. Some of these are setting work hours, responding quickly, and using automatic texts to make contact easier and improve customer happiness.

Step 8: Ask for reviews and feedback

Request that your site users share their thoughts on how they used the WhatsApp chat function. Positive reviews can help your audience trust you by showing them that other people agree with you.

Step 9: Make sure your WhatsApp plugin is always up to date.

It’s important to keep the WhatsApp chat app up to date so that it works perfectly and is safe. Updates are often put out by developers to fix bugs, make the app run faster, and add new features.

Step 10: Coming to an end

In conclusion, adding WhatsApp chat to your WordPress site is a smart way to improve conversation and get people more involved. If you follow these steps and make sure you make regular changes, you will not only give people an easy way to connect, but you will also stay ahead in the online world. If you follow these tips, your website will quickly become a place where people can easily talk on WhatsApp.

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How to Connect Website to Google Console

How to Connect Website to Google Console

How to Connect Website to Google Console

How to Connect Website to Google Console : It is very important to connect your website to Google Search Console if you want Google to find and index it correctly. Google Search Console gives you useful information about how well your website does on Google Search, helps you find problems, and makes sure that your content is properly stored. We’ll show you how to connect your website to Google Search Console in this guide.

Setting up a Google Account

Make sure you have a Google account before you connect your website. Make a Google account if you don’t already have one. With this account, you can get to and change the data on your website through Google Search Console.

Getting to Google Search Console

Go to the page for Google Search Console.
Press the “Start now” button.
Use the information for your Google account to log in.
Adding Your Website’s Address

Click the “+ Add Property” button on the home page of Search Console.
Type the URL of your site, including the “https://” or “http://” protocol, into the field that’s there.
Then click “Continue.”

How to Connect Website to Google Console

Process of Verification

Google needs proof to make sure that you own the page. There are several ways to do it:

Checking the HTML tags:

You can pick the HTML tag.
Get the HTML tag given and copy it.
Check out the HTML code for your page.
You need to paste the tag in the <head> part of your home page.
Now go back to Google Search Console and click “Verify.”

Checking the Domain:

Pick the domain choice.
To add a DNS record to your name service, follow the steps given.
After adding the DNS record, click “Verify.”

Verification of Google Analytics:

You can use your Google Analytics account to check if your website is linked to Google Analytics.

Proof from Google Tag Manager:

You can use this way to check your website if you use Google Tag Manager.
Pick the way that works best for you and finish the proof process.

Confirming the Check

When you’re done with the proof process, go back to Google Search Console and click “Verify.” You will see a proof message if it worked, and your website is now linked to Google Search Console.

Looking at the Features of Google Search Console

Take advantage of the tools that Google Search Console has to offer now that your page is linked:

Exploring Google Search Console Features

Now that your website is connected, take advantage of the features offered by Google Search Console:

  1. Performance Overview:
    • Monitor how your website performs in Google search results.
    • Review clicks, impressions, click-through rate (CTR), and average position.
  2. Coverage Report:
    • Identify any indexing issues with your pages.
    • Address errors and ensure all important pages are indexed.
  3. Sitemaps:
    • Submit your sitemap to help Google understand your website structure.
    • Monitor how many pages are indexed.
  4. Mobile Usability:
    • Ensure your website is mobile-friendly.
    • Address any mobile usability issues affecting your site.
  5. URL Inspection:
    • Check how a specific URL is indexed by Google.
    • Identify and troubleshoot any issues with individual pages.

Regular Monitoring and Maintenance

After connecting your website to Google Search Console, make it a habit to regularly check the reports and address any issues that may arise. This proactive approach ensures that your website continues to perform well in Google search results.


Connecting your website to Google Search Console is a fundamental step in optimizing its visibility on Google. By following the simple steps outlined in this guide, you can access valuable insights and tools to enhance your website’s performance and address any potential issues promptly.

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How To Write SEO Friendly Blog Post

How To Write SEO Friendly Blog Post on WordPress in Minutes

How To Write SEO Friendly Blog Post on WordPress

How To Write SEO Friendly Blog Post :  Even though there is a lot of information online, writing a blog post is only the beginning. If you want to stand out in the digital world, you need to make sure that your blog is both helpful and search engine friendly. This guide will show you the most important steps you need to take to write a blog post that is SEO-friendly and works well on WordPress. How To Write SEO Friendly Blog Post

Learning the Basics of SEO

Before getting into the details of WordPress, it’s important to understand how Search Engine Optimization (SEO) works. SEO is the process of making your content better so that it shows up higher in search results. This includes using keywords strategically, making sure the content is good, and making a number of technical improvements.

Looking into keywords

Keyword study is one of the most important parts of making material SEO-friendly. Find terms that are related to your blog post. Use tools like Ubersuggest or Google Keyword Planner to find terms that have a good mix of competition and search volume. Use these terms in your writing without thinking about it.

How to Improve Your Title

Both users and search engines care a lot about the title of your blog post. Make an interesting title that includes your main term. Make sure it’s short, interesting, and makes it clear what the post is about. For your title, use heading tags (H1) to show how important it is.

Making content that is interesting and useful

Any blog post that does well needs to have good information. Give them useful information that is related to what they are reading. Use subheadings (H2, H3) to break up your text into parts that are easier to read. Aim for a mix between text and other types of media, like movies or pictures.

Getting Images Ready

Images are not only nice to look at, but they also help with SEO. You can make your photos run faster by shrinking them. Use file names that are clear and include alt text that makes sense. This makes your material easier for people to read and helps search engines understand it better.

How To Write SEO Friendly Blog Post

Using both internal and external links

Linking is a great way to improve your SEO. Adding internal links to other relevant pages on your site will make it easier for people to find what they’re looking for and encourage them to read more. Include online links to reliable sources that add to or back the information you give. This makes your material seem more trustworthy.

Meta descriptions and short texts

Write an interesting meta description that sums up your blog post. This text shows up in search engine results and helps get people to click on the link. Make sure it has your main term in it and makes people want to click through. You can change this in WordPress with SEO tools like Yoast.

Finding the Best Permalinks

These are the URLs of your blog posts. Make sure they are clear, to the point, and include your term. Do not use default permalinks that have numbers and symbols in them. In WordPress, the post settings make it easy to change the permalinks. How To Write SEO Friendly Blog Post

Design That Responds

Having a responsive design is important because more and more people are using mobile devices. Pick a WordPress theme that works well on mobile devices to give users of all kinds a smooth experience. Google gives websites that are mobile-friendly more weight in its results.

Improvements to Speed

Speed is a very important part of SEO. To make your website load faster, use apps like WP Super Cache or W3 Total Cache. For faster speed, reduce the size of pictures, let browsers cache them, and use as few CSS and JavaScript files as possible.

Adding social media features

Search engines take into account social cues. Put buttons for sharing on social media sites on your blog post to get people to share it. This not only makes your information more visible, but it also makes it more trustworthy.

In conclusion

Writing an SEO-friendly blog post on WordPress is a great way to get more people to see your content and get more people to follow you. You can improve the performance of your blog posts and build a strong online footprint by learning the basics of SEO, doing keyword research, and using on-page improvements. How To Write SEO Friendly Blog Post

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Apply for Google AdSense Easily

Apply for Google AdSense Easily – Ultimate Guide

Apply for Google AdSense Easily


Apply for Google AdSense Easily: In the huge world of computers and the internet, websites are not only places to find information, but they can also be ways to make money. Google AdSense is one of the best ways for website owners to make money because it makes it easy to get focused ads on your page. It can make a huge difference if you apply for Google AdSense as a writer, content creator, or website owner. To make it easier to apply for Google AdSense and improve your chances of being accepted, let’s go through the steps one by one.

Eligibility Criteria for Google AdSense

Before you start the application process, it’s important to know what Google’s requirements are for qualifying. Your website needs to meet certain conditions in order to be eligible for AdSense. This means having an easy-to-use layout, fresh material, and following Google’s rules. It’s not just about getting people to visit; it’s also about making the website better for everyone who uses it.

Preparing Your Website

Google likes fresh, high-quality material. Make sure your website is ready to go to improve your chances of getting approved. Optimize your content by using relevant keywords and sharing at the same time every day. Google likes websites that give people something of value, so focus on making material that is both interesting and useful.

Apply for Google AdSense Easily
Apply for Google AdSense Easily

Creating Essential Pages

Some pages are very important for AdSense to approve. There is a “about us” page, a privacy policy page, and a contact page. Google will know that you care about protecting user data if you have a well-written privacy policy. It shows that you are skilled and can be trusted.

User Experience and Website Design

A clean and easy-to-use design not only makes the site more appealing to users, but it also helps AdSense approve it. Make sure that your website works well on all devices and is easy to use. Google gives more weight to websites that give users a good experience.

Understanding Ad Placement

It’s an art to put ads on your website in a way that makes sense. Key is to find a balance between user experience and ad exposure. Don’t bombard your guests with too many ads; it will hurt their experience and could even cause AdSense to reject your site.

Content Guidelines

It is important to follow Google’s content guidelines. Stay away from content that Google doesn’t allow, like adult material, violence, or anything else that breaks their rules. Pay attention to the type and quality of your material.

Technical Compliance

Make sure that your website meets the basic standards for AdSense. Take care of common problems like how fast pages load and how well they work on mobile devices. For the best results, Google recommends pages that work well on all devices.

Application Process Step by Step

After making sure your website is ready, let’s go over how to apply for Google AdSense. To begin, go to the AdSense website and click on the “Sign Up Now” button. Follow the on-screen instructions and give correct details about yourself and your website. Google will look over your application and email you to let you know what’s going on.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

A lot of people make the same mistakes that get them turned down. It is very important to avoid these problems. Some mistakes are not having enough material, breaking AdSense rules, or giving false information during the application process. Check and double-check all the information before sending it in.

Monitoring and Analytics

Once your ad is accepted, it’s important to keep an eye on how it’s doing. Use tracking tools to see how well your ads are doing. This information will help you place ads more effectively, which will bring in more money over time.

Dealing with AdSense Rejection

If, sadly, your application is turned down, don’t give up. Learn about the reasons Google gives for rejecting your application. Fix the problems, whether they’re with the quality of the material or with the technology, and then submit with trust.

Tips for AdSense Success

To keep having success with AdSense, keep up with changes to the rules and trends in the business. Based on data, keep improving your content and where you put your ads. AdSense is a site that is always changing, so you need to be ready to adapt to keep making money.


While applying for Google AdSense might seem difficult at first, the process is easy if you plan ahead and follow the rules. AdSense is a great way to make money from your website, and it also makes the experience better for people who visit it. Do these things instead of the usual ones, and you’ll be well on your way to AdSense success.

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Create Custom Homepage on WordPress with elementor

How to Create Custom Homepage on WordPress with elementor

How to Create Custom Homepage on WordPress with elementor

Create Custom Homepage on WordPress with elementor: WordPress is still one of the most popular platforms for building beautiful websites, even though web development is always changing. Today, we’re going to talk about how to make a custom header on WordPress with Elementor. This is a creative and useful way to make your website stand out in the digital world.

How to Start Using Elementor

Installing Elementor

It is necessary to have Elementor loaded on your WordPress site before you start working on customizations. To add a new plugin, go to your WordPress homepage and click on “Plugins.” Find Elementor, install it, and then turn on the app.

Create Custom Homepage on WordPress with elementor
Create Custom Homepage on WordPress with elementor

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Custom Homepage

  • A. Setting up a new page in WordPress
  • B. Accessing Elementor and selecting a blank template
  • C. Adding sections and columns for a structured layout
  • D. Exploring Elementor’s widget library for content elements
  • E. Customizing each section with text, images, and other elements
  • F. Utilizing advanced styling options for enhanced design
  • G. Incorporating dynamic features like sliders and interactive elements
  • H. Ensuring mobile responsiveness for a seamless user experience

Installation and Setup

Compatibility with WordPress B. Step-by-Step Installation Process C. Configuration and Customization

 Elementor Pro vs. Free Version

Feature Comparison B. Advantages of Upgrading to Pro

Choosing a Suitable Theme

It is very important that Elementor and a well-designed WordPress theme work well together. Choose a style that fits with your business and the goals of your website. A flexible theme that is light makes sure that speed is at its best.

Making an Interesting Custom Home Page

Making a New Page
Make a new page on your WordPress homepage to start the process. Give it a good name, like “Home” or “Homepage,” and save the copy.

Starting up Elementor Editor

The easy-to-use Elementor interface can be opened by clicking the “Edit with Elementor” button. Here is where the magic happens. You can now access a wide range of design features and editing choices.

Putting together Sections with Elementor

Your site should have a logo, a star area, some promoted content, and a bottom. You can add tools and create each area exactly how you want it with Elementor’s drag-and-drop feature.

How to Use the Full Power of Elementor Widgets Header Widget

Change the header of your website to make a good first impression. Elementor has flexible top widgets that let you add brands, navigating buttons, and contact information without any problems.

Widget for Hero Section

Get people to pay attention by writing an interesting hero part. Using Elementor’s hero widgets, you can add eye-catching images, catchy headlines, and a button that leads people to important parts of your site.

Widget for Featured Content

The featured content button in Elementor lets you draw attention to your most important content. Show off your newest blog posts, goods, or services in a way that makes people want to learn more.

Advanced Methods of Customization

Using Your Own CSS

Custom CSS is for people who want to make changes that aren’t already there. Custom code can be added to Elementor, which lets you finetune the look of your site with great accuracy.

Adding content that changes over time

Add changeable content features to your site to make it more interesting. To keep people interested, show off dynamic post lists, individual user welcomes, or real-time updates.

Making changes to improve speed and responsiveness
Improvements to images

Optimizing pictures will help your page load faster. You can make sure your guests have a smooth reading experience by compressing pictures without losing quality.

Testing for Responsiveness

Because people view websites on a wide range of devices, it’s important to make sure that your unique header is adaptable. Use the response tools that come with Elementor and test your site thoroughly on a number of different devices.

In conclusion

Making a unique site on WordPress with Elementor is an art that combines imagination with technical skill. Using Elementor’s powerful features will not only make your website look better, but it will also make it work better.

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How to create Wordpress Page

How to create WordPress Page Step-by-Step Guide || WordPress Page

A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Make a WordPress Page

How to create WordPress Page : WordPress is a flexible and easy-to-use content management system that helps millions of people easily build an online presence. One of its most important features is the ability to make pages, which is a must-have skill for anyone who wants to make a well-organized and interesting website.

How to create WordPress Page
The Beginning

WordPress is one of the most popular website builders out there. It gives people and businesses a strong way to show off their ideas and goods. Page development is one of the most important parts of a website’s organization and usefulness.

Setting the Scene: Why Pages Are Important

It’s important to know the difference between WordPress pages and posts before you start the step-by-step guide. Pages are more steady and well-organized than posts, which are usually used for changing material that needs to be seen right away. Well-written pages are very important for both user experience and search engine success.

Starting Out: Getting to the WordPress Dashboard

The first thing you need to do to start making interesting pages is to log in to your WordPress account. Once you’re logged in, the homepage is easy to use and offers a simple way to manage different parts of your website.

Finding the Section on Pages

Now that you can see the homepage, the next step is to find the “Pages” tab. This tab, which is on the left side of the menu, opens a section with choices like “All Pages,” “Add New,” and “Page Attributes.”

Making a New Page: How to create WordPress Page

When you click on “Add New,” the process of making a page starts. Here, you’ll be asked to write the page’s title, which is an important part that sets the tone for the rest of the content.

How to Use the Page Editor

The page creator is where you can write interesting material. You can make your page look better and be easier to read by getting used to the layout and using the editing tools that are there.

Putting things on your page

The page designer makes it easy to add text, pictures, and video to your blank surface as you start to fill it in. In this step, you bring your ideas and the main point of your message to life.

Putting content in order with headings

Heading tags like H1, H2, H3, and H4 should be used correctly to create a hierarchical structure. That not only makes it easier to read, but it’s also very important for search engine success.

Putting Page Attributes to Use

You can make smart choices about your page’s style, parent-child connections, and order within your site’s layout in the “Page Attributes” part.

Saving and Looking At Your Work :

By using the “Save Draft” option to save your work often, you can be sure that none of your work goes to waste. You can find any problems with your page before you hit the “Publish” button by examining it. How to create WordPress Page

Making changes to page settings

Setting up a user-friendly permalink layout and using SEO best practices are part of making your page search engine optimized.

The main picture and some excerpts

Choose an eye-catching main picture to make your page look better. Write short, interesting samples that give people a taste of what your page is about.

Putting up your page
Now that everything is ready, it’s time to put out your creation. After one last look over, all you have to do is click the “Publish” button to make your page public.

Updating and maintaining the page

Writing a book is only the beginning of the trip. By going back to your pages often and making changes, you can make sure that the information stays interesting and useful over time.

How to Avoid Common Mistakes

If you want to make a great WordPress page, watch out for these usual mistakes. To make sure users have a smooth experience, make sure your site is mobile-friendly, follow SEO best practices, and speed up the pages. How to create WordPress Page 

In conclusion

When you learn how to make WordPress pages, you can do a lot of different things. You’ve learned how to make interesting, well-organized pages that keep people reading and improve your online profile by following this step-by-step guide.

Best 100 AI Tools For Daily Use 2023

How to create WordPress Page Step-by-Step Guide || WordPress Page Read More »

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Best 100 AI Tools For Daily Use 2023

Best ai tools:  If you are looking for the best AI tools, who would have thought that there are so many? And who have tried all of them? Well, we have done the research and listed our top 100 AI tools in this article. These tools are meant to help you with your business, but you should also use them for personal use as well. best artificial intelligence software ( artificial intelligence tools )

Here’s a list of the 100 top AI tools


A chatbot platform for customer support and sales.

Ada AI is a company that provides AI-powered customer service chatbot solutions for businesses. Their official website is www.ada.cx.

The website provides information about their chatbot platform, including its features and benefits, such as handling customer inquiries 24/7, improving response times, and reducing costs. The website also includes information about their team and leadership, as well as customer success stories and case studies.

In addition, the website offers resources for businesses that are interested in implementing chatbots, including a demo, a blog with tips and best practices, and a knowledge base with frequently asked questions.

AIDoc Medical

A tool for medical image analysis and diagnosis.

AIDoc Medical is an AI-powered medical imaging analysis platform that helps radiologists and other medical professionals diagnose and treat diseases more efficiently and accurately.

The official website for AIDoc Medical is www.aidoc.com. This website provides information about the platform, including its features, use cases, and benefits. It offers a range of tools and resources for medical professionals, including a suite of AI algorithms that can be integrated with various medical imaging devices, such as CT and MRI scanners.

The website also includes information about the company behind AIDoc Medical, as well as the team and leadership. It provides details about their partnerships with hospitals and medical institutions around the world, and how they are using AI to improve patient outcomes.

In addition, the website offers a blog with updates and insights on the latest trends and developments in medical imaging analysis and AI technology. It also offers a resource library with white papers, case studies, and other educational materials for healthcare professionals interested in learning more about the capabilities and applications of AIDoc Medical.


A marketplace for AI algorithms.

Algorithmia is a cloud-based AI and machine learning (ML) platform that provides a marketplace for algorithms, enabling developers and data scientists to access and deploy ML models and workflows at scale.

The official website for Algorithmia is www.algorithmia.com. This website provides information about the platform, including its features, use cases, and benefits. It offers a range of tools and resources for developers and data scientists, including a marketplace with over 8,000 pre-trained ML models and algorithms that can be integrated into various applications and workflows.

The website also includes information about the company behind Algorithmia, as well as the team and leadership. It provides details about their partnerships with leading technology companies, academic institutions, and government agencies, and how they are using AI to solve real-world problems.

In addition, the website offers a blog with updates and insights on the latest trends and developments in AI and ML technology. It also offers a resource library with white papers, case studies, and other educational materials for those interested in learning more about the capabilities and applications of Algorithmia.

Amazon Rekognition

A tool for analyzing images and video.

Amazon Rekognition is a cloud-based AI-powered image and video analysis service that makes it easy to add image and video analysis to your applications.

The official website for Amazon Rekognition is aws.amazon.com/rekognition. This website provides information about the service, including its features, use cases, and benefits. It offers a range of tools and resources for developers, including APIs and SDKs to help them integrate image and video analysis into their applications.

The website also includes information about the company behind Amazon Rekognition, as well as the team and leadership. It provides details about their partnerships with leading technology companies and how they are using AI to improve image and video analysis.

In addition, the website offers a blog with updates and insights on the latest trends and developments in AI and machine learning technology. It also offers a resource center with whitepapers, case studies, and other educational materials for those interested in learning more about the capabilities and applications of Amazon Rekognition.

Amazon SageMaker

A machine learning platform for building, training, and deploying models.

Amazon SageMaker is a fully-managed service that provides developers and data scientists with the ability to build, train, and deploy machine learning models quickly and easily.

The official website for Amazon SageMaker is www.aws.amazon.com/sagemaker. This website provides information about the service, including its features, use cases, and benefits. It offers a range of tools and resources for developers and data scientists, including pre-built machine learning models, frameworks, and algorithms that can be used to build custom models.

The website also includes information about the company behind Amazon SageMaker, as well as the team and leadership. It provides details about their partnerships with leading technology companies and how they are using AI to improve machine learning.

In addition, the website offers a blog with updates and insights on the latest trends and developments in AI and machine learning technology. It also offers a resource center with whitepapers, case studies, and other educational materials for those interested in learning more about the capabilities and applications of Amazon SageMaker.


An open-source platform for data science and machine learning.

Anaconda is an open-source distribution of the Python and R programming languages for scientific computing and data science, which includes more than 250 popular data science packages and tools. It is used by data scientists and developers to create, distribute, and manage data science and machine learning applications.

The official website for Anaconda is www.anaconda.com. This website provides information about the distribution, including its features, use cases, and benefits. It offers a range of tools and resources for data scientists and developers, including packages, environments, and data visualization tools.

The website also includes information about the company behind Anaconda, as well as the team and leadership. It provides details about their partnerships with leading technology companies and how they are using AI to improve data science.

In addition, the website offers a blog with updates and insights on the latest trends and developments in data science and machine learning technology. It also offers a resource center with whitepapers, case studies, and other educational materials for those interested in learning more about the capabilities and applications of Anaconda.

Apache Hadoop

An open-source framework for distributed storage and processing of big data.

Apache Hadoop is an open-source framework for distributed storage and processing of big data. It is designed to handle large amounts of data, both structured and unstructured, and allows for distributed processing of data across multiple computers or clusters.

The official website for Apache Hadoop is hadoop.apache.org. This website provides information about the framework, including its features, use cases, and benefits. It offers a range of tools and resources for developers, including APIs and SDKs to help them build applications using Hadoop.

The website also includes information about the Apache Software Foundation, the organization behind Apache Hadoop, as well as the community of developers who contribute to the project. It provides details about their partnerships with leading technology companies and how they are using AI to improve big data processing.

In addition, the website offers a blog with updates and insights on the latest trends and developments in big data and AI technology. It also offers a resource center with whitepapers, case studies, and other educational materials for those interested in learning more about the capabilities and applications of Apache Hadoop.

Apache Mahout

An open-source machine learning library.

Apache Mahout is an open-source machine learning library that is designed to help developers and data scientists build scalable machine learning applications.

The official website for Apache Mahout is mahout.apache.org. This website provides information about the library, including its features, use cases, and benefits. It offers a range of tools and resources for developers and data scientists, including algorithms, frameworks, and tools for building machine learning applications.

The website also includes information about the Apache Software Foundation, the organization behind Apache Mahout, as well as the community of developers who contribute to the project. It provides details about their partnerships with leading technology companies and how they are using AI to improve machine learning.

In addition, the website offers a blog with updates and insights on the latest trends and developments in machine learning technology. It also offers a resource center with whitepapers, case studies, and other educational materials for those interested in learning more about the capabilities and applications of Apache Mahout.

Apache MXNet

An open-source deep learning framework.

Apache MXNet is an open-source deep learning framework designed for training and deploying deep neural networks. It provides tools and libraries for building, testing, and scaling machine learning models, with support for a wide range of programming languages.

The official website for Apache MXNet is mxnet.apache.org. This website provides information about the framework, including its features, use cases, and benefits. It offers a range of tools and resources for developers and data scientists, including tutorials, sample code, and documentation.

The website also includes information about the Apache Software Foundation, the organization behind Apache MXNet, as well as the community of developers who contribute to the project. It provides details about their partnerships with leading technology companies and how they are using AI to improve deep learning.

In addition, the website offers a blog with updates and insights on the latest trends and developments in deep learning technology. It also offers a resource center with whitepapers, case studies, and other educational materials for those interested in learning more about the capabilities and applications of Apache MXNet.

Apache Spark

An open-source big data processing engine.

Apache Spark is an open-source distributed computing system that is used for big data processing and analytics. It is designed to be fast, flexible, and easy to use, with support for a wide range of data processing tasks, including machine learning, graph processing, and real-time streaming.

The official website for Apache Spark is spark.apache.org. This website provides information about the system, including its features, use cases, and benefits. It offers a range of tools and resources for developers and data scientists, including documentation, tutorials, and sample code.

The website also includes information about the Apache Software Foundation, the organization behind Apache Spark, as well as the community of developers who contribute to the project. It provides details about their partnerships with leading technology companies and how they are using AI to improve big data processing.

In addition, the website offers a blog with updates and insights on the latest trends and developments in big data and AI technology. It also offers a resource center with whitepapers, case studies, and other educational materials for those interested in learning more about the capabilities and applications of Apache Spark.

Apple Core ML

A framework for integrating machine learning models into iOS apps.

Apple Core ML is a machine learning framework that allows developers to integrate machine learning models into their iOS, iPadOS, macOS, and watchOS applications. It provides pre-trained models for tasks such as image and speech recognition, as well as tools for building and training custom models.

The official website for Apple Core ML is developer.apple.com/documentation/coreml. This website provides detailed documentation and resources for developers who want to integrate Core ML into their applications. It offers a range of tools and resources, including sample code, tutorials, and documentation.

The website also includes information about Apple’s other developer tools and resources, including Xcode and Swift, as well as details about their partnerships with leading technology companies and how they are using AI to improve the user experience on Apple devices.

In addition, the website offers a community forum where developers can share their experiences and get help with using Core ML and other Apple development tools. It also offers a range of events, including conferences and workshops, where developers can learn more about the latest trends and best practices in AI and machine learning for Apple platforms.


A platform for predictive analytics.

Arimo is a machine learning and artificial intelligence platform that provides solutions for enterprises to automate complex processes and make data-driven decisions.

The website for Arimo is www.arimo.com. On the website, Arimo provides details on its various solutions, including AI-powered automation of business processes, predictive maintenance, and fraud detection. It also offers case studies of how its customers have used the platform to improve their operations and decision-making.

The website offers a range of resources and tools for developers and data scientists, including a library of machine learning models, APIs for integrating with other applications, and documentation for getting started with the platform. Arimo also provides a dashboard for monitoring the performance of machine learning models, as well as tools for managing data pipelines and workflows.

In addition, the website offers a blog with updates and insights on the latest trends and developments in AI and machine learning technology. It also offers a range of events, including webinars and conferences, where customers and other interested parties can learn more about Arimo’s solutions and the latest trends in AI and machine learning.

Best artificial intelligence software ( Best ai tools)

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Artificial intelligence and machine Learning

Big Panda Best ai tools

A tool for event correlation and management.


An open-source deep learning framework for distributed computing.


An open-source deep learning framework.


An open-source deep learning framework.


A tool for image and video analysis.

Cloud AutoML

A tool for building custom machine learning models.


A unified analytics platform for big data and AI.


A tool for automated machine learning.


A platform for building and deploying deep learning models.


A tool for speech recognition.


An AI-powered camera for developers.


A research lab focused on AI and machine learning.


A tool for building chatbots and conversational interfaces.


Salesforce’s AI platform for customer relationship management.


A deep learning framework for developers.


A platform for training and deploying machine learning models.


A tool for natural language processing.

Google Cloud AutoML ( Best ai tools )

A tool for building custom machine learning models.

Google Cloud Machine Learning Engine

A platform for building and deploying machine learning models.

Google Cloud Vision

A tool for image analysis and recognition.


An open-source platform for building and deploying machine learning models.

IBM Watson

A suite of AI tools for natural language processing, speech recognition, image analysis, and more.


A high-level neural networks API written in Python.

KNIME Analytics Platform

An open-source platform for data science and machine learning.


A tool for natural language understanding.


An open-source machine learning library.


A platform for mathematical computing and simulation.

Microsoft Azure Machine Learning

A platform for building and deploying machine learning models.

Microsoft Cognitive Services

A suite of AI tools for natural language processing, image analysis, and more.


A tool for text analysis and classification.


An open-source deep learning framework.

Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK)

An open-source platform for natural language processing.

Neural Designer

A tool for building and training neural networks.


A tool for building and deploying deep learning models.

NVIDIA Deep Learning GPU Training System (DIGITS)

A tool for training deep learning models.

OpenAI ( Best ai tools )

A research lab focused on AI and machine learning.


An open-source computer vision library.

OpenNLP  ( Best ai tools )

OpenNLP stands for Open Natural Language Processing. It is a free, open-source toolkit for natural language processing (NLP) written in Java. The toolkit provides a set of tools and interfaces for tasks such as tokenization, part-of-speech tagging, named entity recognition, chunking, parsing, and coreference resolution.

OpenNLP is widely used in various applications, including information extraction, document classification, sentiment analysis, machine translation, chatbots, and more. It can be integrated into Java applications and used with other open-source tools, such as Apache Lucene and Apache Solr.

OpenNLP is maintained by the Apache Software Foundation and has a large community of contributors who provide support, bug fixes, and new features. Its modular architecture and user-friendly APIs make it an attractive choice for NLP practitioners and developers.


An open-source data visualization and machine learning tool.


A data analysis library for Python.


A tool for time series forecasting developed by Facebook.


An open-source machine learning framework developed by Facebook.


A platform for data science and machine learning.


An open-source machine learning library for Python.

Best AI tools


A platform for financial and corporate research.


An open-source machine learning framework developed by Google.


An open-source machine learning library.

Turi Create

A tool for building and training machine learning models developed by Apple.

Unity ML Agents

A toolkit for developing and training intelligent agents in Unity.


An open-source platform for data mining and machine learning.


A tool for building natural language processing models.


A popular open-source library for gradient boosting.

Best AI tools

YOLO (You Only Look Once)

A real-time object detection system.


An open-source natural language processing library developed by Allen Institute for AI.


A platform for enterprise-grade machine intelligence.


A platform for developing AI-powered enterprise solutions.

Deep Vision

A tool for image recognition and object detection.


A platform for conversation analytics and optimization.


A tool for natural language generation.


A platform for customer service automation.


A platform for medical image analysis.


A tool for early cancer detection.


A tool for grammar and writing analysis.

Hugging Face

A platform for natural language processing.


A platform for text analysis and image recognition.

Infosys Nia

A platform for enterprise-grade AI.


A platform for building virtual assistants.


A platform for e-commerce search and personalization.


A tool for sentiment analysis and text analytics.

Logical Glue

A platform for automated machine learning.


A platform for enterprise search and AI-powered insights.


A platform for building conversational interfaces.


A tool for visual intelligence.

NLP Cloud

A platform for natural language processing.

Best artificial intelligence software


A platform for enterprise AI.


A tool for PPC management and optimization.


A platform for natural language processing.

Best AI tools


A platform for building and deploying deep learning models.

People Pattern

A platform for audience insights and analysis.


A tool for AI-powered content creation.


A platform for legal analytics.

Best AI tools


A tool for medical note-taking and clinical documentation.


A tool for AI-powered writing optimization.


A platform for data wrangling and preparation.


A platform for RPA (robotic process automation).


A platform for interactive 360-degree video creation.


A platform for credit underwriting and risk analysis.


Best 100 AI Tools For Daily Use 2023 Read More »

HC Ministerial Recruitment 2022

Artificial intelligence and machine Learning

Artificial intelligence and machine Learning

Artificial intelligence and machine Learning: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a rapidly growing field that has the potential to transform our lives in numerous ways. It involves the creation of intelligent machines that can think and act like human beings. AI aims to develop algorithms and systems that can perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as speech recognition, image classification, decision-making, and natural language processing.

One of the most exciting aspects of AI is its ability to learn from data and improve over time. This is achieved through the use of machine learning algorithms, which allow systems to improve from experience without being explicitly programmed automatically. This makes it possible for AI to solve complex problems that would otherwise be too difficult for humans to handle.

artificial intelligence machine learning

One of the key applications of AI is in the field of healthcare. AI systems can be used to analyze vast amounts of medical data, such as patient records and medical images, to help doctors make more informed decisions. For example, AI algorithms can be trained to detect early signs of diseases such as cancer, making it possible to treat patients before the disease has advanced. AI is also being used in drug discovery, where it can help researchers identify new treatments for diseases more quickly and efficiently.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)

    • Deep Learning and Neural Networks
    • Natural Language Processing (NLP)
    • Image Recognition and Computer Vision
    • Reinforcement Learning
    • Predictive Analytics and Time Series Forecasting
    • Transfer Learning

Deep Learning and Neural Networks

Deep Learning and Neural Networks: Deep Learning is a subset of Machine Learning that involves training artificial neural networks on large amounts of data. Neural networks are inspired by the structure and function of the human brain and are designed to learn patterns and make predictions. Deep Learning algorithms have been used to achieve breakthrough results in areas such as image recognition, natural language processing, and speech recognition.

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Natural Language Processing (NLP): NLP is a field of Artificial Intelligence that focuses on the interaction between computers and human language. NLP techniques are used to process, understand, and generate human language, and they are used in applications such as machine translation, text classification, sentiment analysis, and named entity recognition.

Natural Language Processing

Image Recognition and Computer Vision

Image Recognition and Computer Vision: Image Recognition is the task of recognizing objects, people, scenes, and events in digital images. Computer Vision is a field of study that focuses on teaching machines to interpret and understand the visual world. Deep Learning algorithms have been particularly successful in Image Recognition and Computer Vision tasks, and they have been used in applications such as self-driving cars, medical imaging analysis, and security and surveillance systems.

Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement Learning: Reinforcement Learning is a type of Machine Learning that focuses on training agents (such as robots or software programs) to make decisions in an environment by learning from the consequences of their actions. In Reinforcement Learning, an agent interacts with its environment and receives feedback in the form of rewards or penalties, which it uses to adjust its decision-making policy over time. This allows the agent to learn how to maximize its reward over time.

Predictive Analytics and Time Series Forecasting

Predictive Analytics and Time Series Forecasting: Predictive Analytics is the use of statistical and Machine Learning techniques to analyze historical data and make predictions about future events. Time Series Forecasting is a type of Predictive Analytics that focuses on predicting future values based on a series of past values. Time series forecasting is used in applications such as sales forecasting, weather forecasting, and stock market analysis.

Transfer Learning

Transfer Learning: Transfer Learning is a technique in Machine Learning where a model that has been trained on one task is used as a starting point for another related task. This allows the model to leverage its knowledge from the previous task, reducing the amount of data and computational resources required to train the model on the new task. Transfer Learning is useful in a variety of applications, including computer vision and natural language processing, where large amounts of labeled data may be scarce or expensive to obtain.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning:

Here are some examples of Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications and technologies

  • Virtual Personal Assistants: Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant, etc.
  • Speech Recognition: converting spoken words into text, used in call centres, dictation software, etc.
  • Image Recognition: identifying objects, people, and actions in images and videos, used in security systems, self-driving cars, etc.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): allowing computers to understand, interpret, and generate human language, used in language translation, sentiment analysis, etc.
  • Robotics: using AI algorithms to control robot behaviour in manufacturing, healthcare, and military applications.
  • Machine Learning: a type of AI that allows systems to automatically improve from experience without being explicitly programmed, used in a wide range of applications including predictive modelling, recommendation systems, and fraud detection.
  • Deep Learning: a subfield of machine learning that uses deep neural networks to model complex patterns in data, used in image and speech recognition, natural language processing, and other applications.
  • Decision Making Systems: AI systems that can make decisions on their own, based on a set of rules or algorithms, used in fields such as finance, healthcare, and retail.

Artificial inteligence machine learning

artificial intelligence machine learning : Another important application of AI is in the field of robotics. Robots that are equipped with AI algorithms can perform tasks that are too dangerous or difficult for humans, such as exploring disaster zones or performing complex surgeries. In addition, AI robots can also be used in manufacturing to help automate production processes, reducing the need for human labour.

One of the challenges of AI is ensuring that it operates in an ethical and transparent manner. There is a concern that AI systems could be used to make decisions that significantly impact people’s lives, such as in the case of self-driving cars. It is important to develop AI systems that are transparent and accountable so that people can understand how they make decisions and have confidence in their operation.

In conclusion, AI has the potential to transform our lives in numerous ways and has already begun to make a significant impact in many industries. However, it is important to approach the development of AI with caution, ensuring that it operates in an ethical and transparent manner, so that we can reap its benefits while minimizing its potential risks. artificial intelligence machine learning

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How to start web development 2023



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HC Ministerial Recruitment 2022

How to start web development 2023

How to start web development:  How to create a website step by step In the digital age, a website is essential for businesses and individuals. A well-designed website can serve as an online platform to showcase your products or services, share your ideas and thoughts, or connect with others in your community. Building a website, however, can seem like a daunting task, especially for those who are new to web development. This comprehensive guide will help you get started with building your own website, from planning and design to launch and promotion.

How to start web development

Developing a website typically involves the following steps:

  1. Define the purpose and goals of your website: What do you want to achieve with your website? Who is your target audience? What content do you want to include on your site?
  2. Choose a domain name and hosting platform: Your domain name is the address people will use to access your website, and a hosting platform is where your website will be stored and made accessible to the internet.
  3. Plan the structure and content of your website: Decide what pages you want to include on your site and what content you want to put on each page.
  4. Choose a website builder or content management system (CMS): A website builder is a tool that allows you to create a website without coding, while a CMS is a platform that allows you to manage your website’s content.
  5. Design and customize your website: Choose a design theme and colour scheme, add images and text, and customize the look and feel of your site.
  6. Test your website: Check for any bugs or issues and make sure your site is working properly.
  7. Launch your website: Once you’re satisfied with your site, make it live and publicly accessible.
  8. Promote your website: Share your site with friends and family, create social media accounts for your site, and consider search engine optimization (SEO) to increase visibility and drive traffic to your site.

Note: The specific steps you’ll need to take will depend on the website builder or CMS you choose, as well as the scope and complexity of your website.

Step 1: Define the Purpose and Goals of Your Website

How to start web development

The first step in building a website is to define the purpose and goals of your site. What do you want to achieve with your website? Who is your target audience? What content do you want to include on your site? These questions will help you determine the focus and structure of your site.

For example, if you’re building a business website, your goal might be to showcase your products or services and generate leads or sales. If you’re building a personal blog, your goal might be to share your thoughts and experiences with a wider audience. Understanding the purpose and goals of your website will help you create a site that meets your specific needs and expectations.

Step 2: Choose a Domain Name and Hosting Platform

Once you have a clear understanding of the purpose and goals of your website, you’ll need to choose a domain name and hosting platform. Your domain name is the address people will use to access your website, and a hosting platform is where your website will be stored and made accessible to the internet.

How to start web development

When choosing a domain name, it’s important to pick something that is memorable, easy to spell, and relevant to your brand or website. Hosting platforms, such as Bluehost, HostGator, or WP Engine, offer different packages with varying levels of storage, bandwidth, and support. Consider your website’s specific needs and choose a hosting platform that meets those requirements.

Step 3: Plan the Structure and Content of Your Website

Once you have your domain name and hosting platform set up, it’s time to start planning the structure and content of your site. Decide what pages you want to include on your site and what content you want to put on each page. A typical website might include pages such as Home, About, Products/Services, Blog, Contact, and Privacy Policy.

Consider the user experience when planning the structure and content of your site. Make sure your site is easy to navigate, with clear headings and menus, and that the content is organized in a way that makes sense. Think about the type of content you want to include on each page, such as text, images, videos, or forms, and make sure it’s relevant to the purpose and goals of your site.

Step 4: Choose a Website Builder or Content Management System (CMS)

How to start web development

Once you have a plan for the structure and content of your site, it’s time to choose a website builder or content management system (CMS). A website builder is a tool that allows you to create a website without coding, while a CMS is a platform that allows you to manage your website’s content.

There are many website builders and CMS options available, including Wix, Squarespace, WordPress, and Joomla. Consider your specific needs, such as the type of site you want to build, the level of customization you want, and the cost, when choosing a website builder or CMS.

Step 5: Design and Customize Your Website

start web development With your website builder or CMS in place, it’s time to start designing and customizing your site. Choose a design theme and color scheme that reflects the personality and style of your brand

or website. Use high-quality images and graphics to enhance the visual appeal of your site. Make sure your site is easy to navigate and that all the information is easy to find.

Think about the user experience when designing your site. Make sure the layout is clean and uncluttered, with plenty of white space and clear headings and menus. Use contrasting colors for text and background to improve readability. Make sure the site is responsive, so it looks great on all devices, from desktops to mobile phones.

Step 6: Add Content to Your Website

With your website designed and customized, it’s time to add content to your site. Start by filling in the content for each page, using text, images, videos, and other media. Make sure the content is clear, concise, and relevant to the purpose and goals of your site.

Optimize your site for search engines by including keywords and meta descriptions in your content. This will help your site rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs), making it easier for potential customers to find your site.

Step 7: Test and Launch Your Website

Before launching your website, it’s important to test it thoroughly to make sure everything is working properly. Test all the links, forms, and other features to make sure they are functioning correctly. Check that your site is responsive, with a good user experience on all devices.

Once you’re satisfied that your site is ready, it’s time to launch it. Publish your site and make it live for the world to see. Promote your site through social media, online ads, or other marketing channels to drive traffic to your site and reach your target audience.

Step 8: Maintain and Update Your Website

Finally, don’t forget to maintain and update your site regularly. Keep the content fresh and relevant, and make sure all the information is up-to-date. Use analytics tools to track the performance of your site and make changes as needed.

Consider adding new features and functionality to your site over time, such as a blog, e-commerce store, or online booking system. This will help keep your site engaging and relevant, and will help you achieve your purpose and goals over time.

How to start web development


Building a website can seem like a daunting task, but with the right planning, tools, and resources, it can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience. Whether you’re building a business website, a personal blog, or an online store, this comprehensive guide will help you get started and bring your vision to life. Start building your website today and take your first step towards success in the digital age.

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How to start web development 2023 Read More »

How to Rank website – Website SEO Tips For beginners

Website SEO Tips For beginners 


What is the meaning of website SEO?

SEO stands for Search engine optimization, which is the process of improving the visibility of your websites in search engines like Google and Bing.

Website SEO Tips

Google is one of the most powerful search engines in the world. It’s used by millions of people every day to find information about everything from local businesses to high-end fashion brands.

Google ranks websites based on a number of factors including their relevance, authority, and quality. In order to have a successful SEO campaign, you’ll need to understand how Google works and how it determines which pages come up when someone searches for something like “Website SEO Tips.”

If you follow this website’s SEO tips correctly, then your website and blog will be very successful. If you want to know website SEO tips, keep reading this article!

When we talk about SEO, it’s more than just writing an article on a blog that gets loads of views. The quality and strategy play an important role in ranking any blog post or article,


Why is SEO important for Websites & Blogs?

Good SEO is the key to a successful website. It can help you get more traffic, more leads, and ultimately more sales. In this article, we are going to learn what is the basic step of good SEO for website & Website SEO Tips.


What is the Basic Step of Good SEO for a Website?

1. Keywords

2. H1 & H2 Heading

3. SEO-Friendly URL

4. Internal Linking

5. The number of words on the page should be at least 408

6. Anchor Text

7. Quality of your content

Website SEO Tips

 1. Page Title

Add 9 more characters to your Page Title. Use at least 9 characters.

A good article must have 1 title and make sure that the title contains 2 things I have listed below.

  • About Article 

Before writing any article or Post you should find a nice title for your blog post Let’s say, this post is all about SEO so the Title should be related to SEO, For – Example Website SEO Tips For the beginners – Website SEO 

  • Add your keyword 1 time(s) in your Page Title.

 You should add one keyword in your title and make it relevant to what you’re about to say. That way, when someone clicks on your link and the page opens, they can look at the title and get a general idea of what that page will be about.

What is Keyword on the website? 

Keywords are ideas and topics that outline what your content is about. In terms of SEO, they’re the words and phrases that searchers enter into search engines, Whatever query a user search on google all are keyword For Example Website SEO Tips, is also a keyword. 

2 Page Description

  •  Add 32 characters to your Page Description. Use at least 32 characters.

Adding character count to your description makes it more visible and enticing for people to click it. I’ve noticed that some people truncate their page descriptions, which is a mistake. Especially on the first page, you want to make sure people don’t scroll past your description when they are searching for what they want.

  • Add your keyword 1 time in your Page Description.

Using your keyword 1 time in the page description is a smart way to add relevancy and help people find your page

Add your keyword once in your page description. This makes your pages easier to find and read, which will increase the number of people clicking on your site’s post. As I always say: “The more clicks you get, the more money you make.”


 3 Heading (Website SEO Tips)

  • Add 1 H2 / Header 2 tag(s) to your page.
  • Add your keyword 1 time(s) within an H2 / Header 2 tag.
  • Not all H2 tags have the minimum number of words in them. Use at least 1 word in each H2 / Header 2 tag.
  • Add 1 H3-H6 tag(s) to your page.
  • Add your keyword 1 time(s) in your H3-H6 tags.


4 Main Content

  • The number of words on the page should be at least 408. The remaining words are 408
  • Keyword density.
  • Add your keyword within the first 50 words of your page.
  • Consider adding your keyword to an ALT tag of an image.
  • Consider adding one or more images to your page
  • Add more b, strong (bold) to your content.
  • must put your keyword 1-time (s) in b, strong (bold) tags.


5 Miscellaneous

  • You should Add 1 italic tag(s) to your page.
  •  put your keyword/synonym 1 time(s) in italic tags.

Bonus: if your website is on WordPress, I personally recommend you to use the SEO Yoast plugin, and you are on blogging or another platform so there is no issue you can follow all rules,  and last but not least SEO is not one night stand you have to be patient, it takes time to rank on google. Website SEO Tips.


Website Development course

Note:  If you’re interested in learning more about website development from basic to advance check out this course Website development Course I’m a website developer and Digital marketer consultant.

If you’re looking for advanced web development guidance, check out “website Development Course



How to Rank website – Website SEO Tips For beginners Read More »

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