Laptop recruitment for Programmer | Programmer Laptop

Laptop Recruitment for Programmer


A programmer must have an internet connection, in order to learn new codes you have to google.


A programmer must 64-bit Architecture 


Minumum i3

Graphics Card

Requirement: NIL

Code Editor 

The very first thing that you need to install is a code editor software that can help you to code. there are many code editors on the internet you can install anyone, but I have listed below some code editor software that I personally use. 

Tool Name Programming Languages Cost
Notepad++ PHP JavaScript HTML CSS Free
Brackets JavaScript HTML CSS Free
Visual Studio Code Supports many languages like C++, Java, TypeScript, JSON, and many more. Free
Vim Supports many programming languages. Free


The amount of RAM is one of the most vital things to think about. As a programmer, you would possibly get to run heavy IDEs and virtual machines. A laptop with 4GB of RAM should suffice. However, application or software developers who got to run virtual machines, emulators, and IDEs to compile massive projects will need more RAM.


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