Pronoun with definition and example

Pronoun with definition and example


Def:- Pronoun is a word that comes at the place of a noun in a sentence. OrP

ronoun is a word that comes instead of a noun in a sentence.


Pronoun is a replacing word.

Ex:-Raju is a boy and he is a smart.                       

Note:-Pronoun शब्द का जन्म Latin भाषा के pronoun से हुआ है।

Pro+Noun= Pronoun

Pro – के स्थान पर

Noun – noun के बदले (संज्ञा के स्थान पर )

Kinds of Pronoun


  • Personal Pronoun
  • Demonstrative pronoun
  • Distributive pronoun
  • Reflexive pronoun
  • Emphatic pronoun
  • Relative pronoun
  • Reciprocal pronoun
  • Possessive pronoun
  • Interrogative pronoun


(1)Personal pronoun:-All

the person (1st,2nd,&3rd person are called personal pronoun.

1st person:-Speaker is called 1st person .(I,We)

2nd person:-Listener is called 2nd person. (You)

3rd person:-The rest will be called 3rd person.


Ex:-He is calling you.

     3rd.p              2nd.p

(2)Demonstrative:-A noun which comes at the place of a noun is called demonstrative pronoun.

Note:-This/That/Those/ These/D.P है।

Ex:-This is my car.


That is my house.


(3)Distributive pronoun:- A sentence which is used to show noun by distributing it.(

वैसा pronoun जो Noun काे बाट – बाट कर दर्शाता है उसे distributive pronoun कहते है।)

Note:-Each/either/Neither/every काे distributive pronoun कहते है।

Rule:-ये सभी singular हाेते है और अपने साथ singular helping verb लेते है।E

x:- Each are happy. (×)

      Each is happy.(√)

:- यदि  इनके बाद  काेइ preposition रहे फिर भी ये singular हाेता है अाैर अपने बाद singular helping verb लेते है।

Ex:-तुममें से हर काेइ व्यस्त है।

       Each of you is busy.

(4)Reflexive pronoun- जिसमें self/ selves लगा हाेता है उसे reflexive pronoun कहते है।

Ex:- उसने खुद काे मार डाला।

       He killed himself.


5) Emphatic pronoun:- जब himself/myself/themselves/ourselves/yourself ठीक subject के बाद हो इन्हें emphatic pronoun कहते है।

Ex:-He himself killed.


She herself ruined.

Note:-इसका प्रयोग कभी भी subject के रूप में नहीं हो सकता

Ex:-Ex:-Myself is Nisha(×)

I myself am Nisha Raj.(√)

(6)Relative pronoun:- A pronoun which shows relation in a sentence and connect two sentences is called relative pronoun.

Note:- Who/which/that/whose/ काे relative pronoun कहते है।

Ex:-ये वो लड़के है जो कल आये थे।

This is the boy who come yesterday.

Ex:-This is the house which was built by me.

Ex:-This is the plant that I planted in my childhood.

(7)Reciprocal pronoun :- Each other/ one another को reciprocal pronoun करते है।

Note:- Each other का प्रयोग दो व्यक्ति या वस्तु के लिए हाेता है।

One another का प्रयोग दो से अधिक व्यक्ति या वस्तु के लिए हाेता है।

Ex:-Raju & Sana help eachother.

Ramu,Ranjan,and Amisha help one another.

(8)Possessive pronoun:-All the possessive cases are called possessive pronoun.

Note:-My/your/his/her/their/our etc possessive pronoun है।

Ex:-It is my car


(9)Interrogative pronoun:-Which comes at the place of a noun & ask a question is called interrogative pronoun.

Note:- All the Wh-Question are also called interrogative pronoun.

Ex:-Whose car is it?


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